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This is a collection of work produced by Coventry University First Year Fine Art students.

We are living in unprecedented and unpredictable times. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our class was unable to put on the exhibition that we had been working towards. Many of us were unable to complete the work we had planned, as our studio space was closed to keep us safe from the virus. This was heartbreaking for many of us but in these strange times, it is important to remember that right now love is an empty stadium, or perhaps in our case, an empty studio. 

Therefore, we have gathered together the work that we can in order to share it here, in an online exhibition titled 'what might have been.' This is both a tribute to the show that we could not do and a commemoration of all the wonderful things that we have done. We hope that you enjoy it and we all look forward to brighter and better things next year.

Stay home. Stay safe.

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